Yes you read it correctly there really are some decluttering tasks that can be completed within just 15 minutes!
Decluttering is often perceived as a mammoth task, something to implement when the situation is out of control. But in reality decluttering can be carried out on a much smaller scale as well. Today I will be sharing my top 5
Are you ready? Set the timer! And go....
-Sock drawer, not too overwhelming and there will likely be no sentimental feelings toward your socks.
-Your medicine cupboard, any out of date medication should be removed & disposed of accordingly, usually returned to the pharmacy ( please check with your local pharmacy beforehand)
-Your purse/wallet/handbag, empty everything out so that you can clearly see the items you have been carrying around. Remove anything that doesn't belong, either find the items a suitable home or dispose of accordingly.
-Your fridge, anything out of date should go.
-Empty shower gel/shampoo bottles from your bathroom... you'd be surprised at how many used bottles get put back on the shelf!
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