As Christmas is nearing & your thoughts turn to buying gifts for your friends & family, its a really good idea to think about shopping mindfully.
Getting caught up in 3 for 2 offers & 'Black Friday' deals don't actually always turn out to be a 'good deal'. For example you may end up spending much more than you need to alongside ending up purchasing items just for the sake of it.
Ask yourself how many times you've been gifted something that just isn't your thing? That gift then sits in the back of a cupboard or on a shelf gathering dust..... such a waste isn't it?
Mindful shopping & gifting can significantly reduce waste (and disappointment!)
Why not gift your loved ones an experience, dinner out, a massage, offer to babysit for your parent friends, something practical like topping up the electricity key, a supermarket gift card or just spending time together.... there's nothing more precious.
Try asking recipients what they would actually like to receive rather than second guessing or make a donation to charity instead of buying gifts this year.
This year more than any other many will be feeling the pinch & may not be able to reciprocate the giving of a gift so its really worthwhile having some honest conversations with your loved ones.
